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My name is Kelly Burrows. I entered the hair industry in 2012 and have been in love ever since. The refreshing thing about the hair and fashion industry is they are ever changing. I take pride in continuing my education by frequently attending classes and hair shows so I am constantly current and up to date on the latest trends and techniques. 


After experiencing numerous color and product lines, I have found that KEVIN.MURPHY is among the best, most care ingredient rich line. KEVIN.MURPHY's COLOR.ME line is exceptional and unique because it is PPD and ammonia free, using naturally derived ingredients such as aloe vera, honey, shea butter, and pomegranate. This helps protect your skin and hair just as well as it delivers beautiful, reflective color; all at no cost to our environment or to our furry little friends.



You are the most important person. With Hippie Dippie Hair you will receive one on one attention from me, your stylist, in a peaceful, relaxing, intimate atmosphere. Too often we are squeezed in and hustled out of the salon with questions and concerns still on our mind. It is my promise to you that your voice will be heard and we will walk through an in depth consultation together to find out exactly what you want and where you desire to be at the end of our time together.

About Your Artist

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